Sorig Life

Meditation and Tibetan medicine are core activities of Sorig Life. Let’s build a community of healthy and happy people! Here you will learn about meditation, self-awareness methods, and traditional holistic Tibetan medicine. Sorig means the knowledge of healing. Thus, I invite you to dive into the knowledge about our body and mind, and experience the benefits of the Tibetan health products. Join us and find out more!

Darnus Gyvenimas
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Meditation is a self-awareness practice which is beneficial for everyone, at any stage of life. Through meditation practice we get to know ourselves better by observing what is happening in our body and mind. Restless mind increases the experience of unpleasant feelings. Through meditation we develop the ability to observe the mind’s tendency to engage in these disturbing thoughts and feelings. With awareness we learn to bring attention back to the present moment, to experience our life fully and with joy.

Tibetan massage 

Tibetan massage Ku-Nye is deeply relaxing massage, which gives balance for body-mind and helps to regain body strength. This massage has been known and widely used in traditional Tibetan medicine since ancient times. Ku-Nye massage is especially recommended in the following cases: long-term psychological and physical fatigue, anxiety and insomnia, approaching menopause or during it, after giving birth, active physical/mental work.


Tibetan products

Tibetan health products are natural cosmetics, herbal teas and Tibetan incense. Tibetan health products help to maintain healthy body and mind. These products are made from the best quality natural plants and herbs, which are grown in Tibet and Himalayan regions located at about 3000 meters above the sea level. Such herbs are collected with utmost care and respect to the surrounding environment. Tibetan health products are manufactured by the official Institute of Tibetan Medicine Men-Tsee-Khang in India.


About Tibetan medicine

Traditional Tibetan medicine is one of the most ancient in the world. Since the beginning of human civilization in Tibet, Tibetans have acquired and developed the precious knowledge of maintaining physical and mental health. Tibetan medicine, called “Sowa Rigpa” in Tibetan, is a holistic medicine. It is based on the balance of the five element theory that expresses our natural world, the seasons, the geographical locations, as well as the unique elemental constitution of each human being.

Sorig Life in my life

By practising meditation and traditional Tibetan medicine I understood myself and my deepest needs better. I realized that my inner state of being is interconnected with the environment I live in: if people around me are healthy and happy, I would feel the same. That’s why I have been studying traditional Tibetan medicine since 2014, and became a teacher of stress management programs. In this interview I share my story.

During these years I have gained a lot of experience working with a physical and mental health. Now I am more than happy to share my knowledge about body and mind with others: when our body is sick we feel sad, and, conversely, when our mind is unhappy our health deteriorates. Thus, I am delighted to introduce Sorig Life – I hope it will bring harmony in your life. Let’s explore together Meditation and Tibetan medicine!

 I wish you health and happiness!

With love,


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We as humans are united by many things. As the Dalai Lama says, we are all looking for happiness. Everyone in their own way, in the way we understand, as we can… But happiness is what is very important to each of us. Probably the most important thing. But how to achieve it? How to discover it? I would like to share with you my thoughts, experiences, and knowledge on the Sorig Life Blog. Join me! 

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